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Phaselis how to get from Kemer

It is easy to get from Kemer to Phaselis by minibus, which departs every 15 minutes. On the windshield of the bus, look for the inscription Tekirova Phaselis, but just in case, check with the driver at the entrance "Phaselis antique, okay"

Phaselis how to get from Kemer
Kemer Travel

Phaselis how to get from Kemer

Phaselis how to get from Kemer by bus, taxi or sightseeing tour. Entrance to the territory costs 45 liras. You can buy a ticket from 8 am to 7 pm. But, there you have to go about another kilometer on foot. The road passes through a coniferous forest, so a 15 minute walk will fly by unnoticed. Phaselis how to get from Kemer by bus, it will take you directly to the ticket offices in 20 minutes. Take water with you, put on comfortable shoes, and walk around the historic hero city at your own pleasure.


Phaselis is an ancient city located 13 km south of Kemer. It was built by the Rhodes colonists in the 7th century BC. It was a thriving trading city with an amphitheater, temple, ancient crypts and other curious artifacts. A pleasant bonus will be the mixed sea and forest air, and several cozy bays where you can swim. Take at least a couple of hours to view this attraction.

In the vicinity of Kemer there are many historical monuments and unique natural sites that are worth visiting at least once. If you are interested in Phaselis how to get from Kemer, then we can also suggest visiting the ancient city of Olympos, and the cleanest beach adjacent to it. Or Mount Chimera, blazing with natural fires.

We hope we have answered Phaselis's question on how to get from Kemer. It is also worth noting that these sights are combined in one tour Olympos-Chimera-Ulupinar in open jeeps . Book without prepayment and in advance, for a vivid experience.