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Kiris Kemer what to see

Kiris is a resort area of ​​the city of Kemer, surrounded by the Taurus Mountains on one side and the Mediterranean Sea on the other

Kiris Kemer what to see
Kemer Travel

Kiris Kemer what to see

Kirish Kemer what to see if you come to rest.


Kirish is located only five kilometers from Kemer, but they are separated by a border in the form of a high rocky mountain. You can always look at the stunning nature of the green Kirish. Fruit trees grow everywhere here. On the streets of the village there are plantations of oranges, pomegranates and lemons. Mountain air, diluted with the sea breeze and the bright aroma of citrus fruits, fills the atmosphere with a fragrant cocktail. Therefore, asking Kirish Kemer what to see, start with the surrounding nature.

Kiris Kemer what to see if it is a quiet family resort, which does not have an abundance of nightclubs and entertainment venues. Nevertheless, in small but cozy Kirish you can relax in a bright and varied way. The beach line stretches for 2.5 km. Paths lined with exotic flowers and palm trees lead to it. The gently sloping entrance allows easy entry into the water, ideal for families with toddlers. The beautiful landscapes are conducive to long walks.

Shopping in Kiris

Shopping in Kiris is in demand among tourists, so there is a 1000 meter street for it. There are shops and stalls with food, clothing and souvenirs. In Kirish, you can buy good quality optics from ACER OPTİK. There is a large selection of modern and beautiful frames.

Kirish Kemer what to see, we can offer you exciting tours. Our company has inexpensive excursions from Kirishi . Book exciting routes and fun activities for you and your loved ones. Let your holiday in Kirish be the brightest and remember forever.